"A sad fact widely known
The most impassionate song
To a lonely soul
Is so easily outgrown
But don't forget the songs
That made you smile
And the songs that made you cry
When you lay in awe
On the bedroom floor
And said : oh, oh, smother me mother...No ...
Rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring
La ...
The passing of time
And all of its crimes
Is making me sad again
The passing of time
And all of its sickening crimes
Is making me sad again
But don't forget the songs
That made you cry
And the songs that saved your life
Yes, you're older now
And you're a clever swine
But they were the only ones who ever stood by you
The passing of time leaves empty lives
Waiting to be filled (the passing ...)
The passing of time
Leaves empty lives
Waiting to be filled
I'm here with the cause
I'm holding the torch
In the corner of your room
Can you hear me ?
And when youre dancing and laughing
And finally living
Hear my voice in your head
And think of me kindly
No ...
Rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring
La ...No ...
Rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring
Do you
Love me like you used to ?
Oh ...Rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring, rubber ring
La ...
You're clever
Everybody's clever nowadays
You're clever
Everybody's clever nowadays
You are sleeping
You do not want to believe
You are sleeping
You do not want to believe
You are sleeping
You do not want to believe
You are sleeping"
rubber ring significa salvagente e proprio questa canzone parla della missione salvifica della musica, quel mix di note accordi, voci e tutto ciò che viene propagato dalle divine onde. bene, come tutte e molte canzoni degli smiths rubber ring ha un significato e ti entra dentro. proprio come citano i quattro di manchester (per la cronaca il chitarrista johnny marr, il cantante morrissey, il bassista andy rourke e il batterista mike joyce) nel testo, anche se sei "adulto" la musica continua a stare lì per appoggiarti, come una lampada ad olio accesa perché si ha paura del buio: quelle sette note e un pentagramma che vanno ben oltre questa sterile descrizione che ti fanno ballare come se nessuno ti stesse vedendo, che ti fanno cantare sotto la doccia, sotto la pioggia che ti fanno tenere il ritmo su un tubo sterile e contuso di un qualsiasi mezzo pubblico cittadino...quella musica ci salverà, come cantavano i mamas e i papas: make your own kind of music...
saluti, gina dina aka lfdp
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